by monifatjo | Uncategorized
In this article, we are going to define the step by step that follows an automatic trader to operate automatically. Step 1: Think Like almost anything in life, when we want to do things right the first thing is to think. Think and plan. In this...
by monifatjo | Uncategorized
A lot of times we think about automatic trading as something complex and out of reach for those traders who do not know how to program. That is because technology is a barrier that does not even allow consider this type of operation for those who do not know...
by monifatjo | Uncategorized
In this article we are going to analyze the different trading methodology, considering time devoted, concentration level, scalability, and learning curve. We start on the basic premise, a trader wants to get the maximum benefit in the minimum time possible. Maybe...
by monifatjo | Uncategorized
Previously, we did an indicator introduction and how to add them to MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. Today we will explain the Expert Advisors and Scripts. Expert Advisors The expert advisors are the MetaTrader star operation. Those programs allow automatic trading....
by monifatjo | Uncategorized
When we think about the different stock-market analysis types, we usually think about (or we were told) two: fundamental and technical analysis. It is true that these two are different enough to make a distinction in two types, but allow me to add one more element to...